Maybe one of you remembers that general jerk I told you all about… They were actually pretty tolerable today. Faaaabulous. But still my internal conflict isn’t resolved.
Prepare for some extreme vagueness…
So now I can’t even look at him with a straight face. As in, my face contorts as soon as I see him. Eye contact? Out. Of. The. Question. I mean, we’ve had eye contact a few times, now, but it’s… indescribable. *is slapped* No, honestly! Not in a good way, either. In a what-the-heck-are-you-trying-to-say way… which isn’t exactly all that comforting.
And… I kind of wish I could look at him with a straight face again. Some part of me wants to go back and erase this. According to one of my recent dreams, I should be taking part in some rather scandalous activities soon. Eeps.
Vagueness may or may not stop here.
So we had Aca-Deca practice today, which was fun… ish. We spent the time doing interviews, thanks to someone’s feminine wiles. Or so we had planned it. I don’t actually know who decided to do interviews. But they were so serious. I had to inject a bit of myself into the questions. You do understand how I had to ask, “Do you know how to read an analog clock?” Mm-hm, I thought so.
And, to anyone who thinks I’m psychotic because I confessed that I locked myself into my room for five hours just writing: I am. Partially. However, I’m not a control freak like how it might have appeared… *flashback*
Interviewer: “So why do you like writing?”
Swanktown: “I like having control over the outcome of my story. I like being responsible for someone, and having a world with any rules I like.”
…Yeah, that was what it was like. I’m not that crazy, sheesh. xD I do understand how insane I sounded, though. Don’t worry; I won’t do that in an actual interview.
So today was pretty nice, overall. A bit confusing, which means I should be posting some more poetry soon.