Davincivirus's Food Review Blog - http://bit.ly/DavinciFood
Hey Guys =),
It’s me, Cody Strawn, back a little bit early to post an interview I had with a inspiring food enthusiast about a week ago. His name is David Roshinski also known as @Davincivirus on Twitter. Roshinski reviews food products that he buys at local stores around his community and judges them on a “?/10″ scale. For example, he recently has reviewed “Classico Mushroom Alfredo” and scored it the following way:
Taste – 3.5/10
The flavor did taste like mushroom but after that white colored sauce that had almost no flavor and had a chalky aftertaste. I am still going to brave through the pasta to not waste it, but man if I wanted to eat a piece of chalk I would of bought the candied one from the candy store and saved myself the anguish.
Package – 5.5/10
The packaging looks great a pitcher of milk, Parmesan cheese, sliced and whole mushrooms. The Colors are rustic and remind me of a color palette that I could see in Italy.
Price – $2.49
Purchased at Hannafords in Dover, NH
FINAL SCORE – 4.5/10
[Excerpt from the Davincivirus Food Review Blog]
Now that you know a little bit about David’s blog and how it works I am proud to present the interview I had with him December 15th, 2009.
1.) First of all, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your real name? And why did you pick a nickname like Davincivirus?
My name is David Roshinski. The nickname Davincivirus comes from my tech side of me, my favorite movie is Hackers and in Hackers there is a program virus called Davincivirus and I just liked the name.
2.) I know that we have met (in the interwebs) on a website named IWearYourShirt.com, how did you find that website?
Shortly after I signed up for twitter I added Ustream because that?s someone I was interested in beforehand, than when Jason did the laptop giveaway before one of my classes Ustream posted an advertisement for his show on twitter and it peaked my interest. As they say the rest is History.
3.) Why, in your blog, is your focus on reviewing food? Do you like experiencing new flavors through out the food industry or what?
I like food; I have been a foodie ever since I grew up with Yen Can Cook and than the food network. Eventually I went to the University of New Hampshire and studied Hospitality Management. My interests in food, hotels, and tourism led me to watch food network, travel channel, and certain web series on twitter that were food review blogs I found of interest. My inspiration came from The Impulsive Buy, FreezerBurns, Everyview, grubgrade, weratestuff, foodirl and Soda Giant. So that?s how I decided to start my own as a building block to bigger and better things.
4.) Will you ever consider about making a financial income by reviewing food?
I think free product is as far as I could get. I think when money comes into a review it may skew the actually scoring of the product and if you don?t like something it may be hard to not make potential sponsors mad.
5.) How well known do you want this blog to get? Or do you want to keep it near a personal low?
I am really just gonna see where it leads me.
6.) Are you going to review food around the United States or just in one particular region?
Depends, if its just me buying the product regional but if people send me product I will be glad to give a honest review.
7.) What is your favorite type of food?
I love Asian food, thai food especially. In Bridgewater, MA there is a restaurant called Chatta Box where I frequent and get Drunken Noodles and Chicken Coconut Soup. Delicious.
8.) Will you be having give away prizes eventually later when you have more viewers?
We’ll have to see. If I get additional product to give away from people than of course I will pass it on to loyal readers. Who knows I may do smaller giveaways depending on my cash flows.
9.) If so what type of prizes?
Food Product, Gift Certs, and Cooking related items.
10.) Do you like StrawnEditing.com?
Yes I do, the pictures I gave to StrawnEditing.com had a very fast turn around and came out great.
I recommend you guys to check out David Roshinski’s blog at: http://bit.ly/DavinciFood
And Davinci I am rating your blog a 9/10 buddy! Keep doing what your doing! =).
[Via http://strawnediting.wordpress.com]