Friday, September 25, 2009

Interview with gordonrox24!

we luckily got 2 interviews: one with privatezack and one with me

Privatezack: When did you join roblox?

Gordonrox24: January of 2008. 21 months ago… I think.

Privatezack: When and why did you become a mod?

Gordonrox24: I became a mod about three weeks ago.

Privatezack: What is your favorite game on Roblox?

Gordonrox24: Miked ultimate paintball CTF.

Privatezack: What game do you think deserves to be on the front page?

Gordonrox24: Mine lol. Nah, I’m not sure.

Privatezack: Do you like being a mod?

Gordonrox24: Yep!

Privatezack: What’s your favorite section of the forum?

Gordonrox4: I like Scripters / Building help because everyone is so helpful.

Privatezack: What’s your favorite hat?

Gordonrox24: Either the Valkyrie Helm or the Fedora, or the Crown of Warlords.

Privatezack: If you could would you be admin?

Gordonrox24: Nah to much work.

Privatezack: Who do you think deserves to be a mod?

Gordonrox24: I’m not

Speckledorf: How long have you played roblox?

Gordonrox24: I have been playing Roblox since my brother introduced me to it in January of 2008. He has been playing since October of 2006, and I guess I have been here for 21 months.

Speckledorf: What is your favourite game?

Gordonrox24: My favorite game is defiantly Miked’s Ultimate Paintball.

Speckledorf: Who is your favourite player?

Gordonrox24: My favorite player is either AdmiralKnight or hollyrox. They don’t really play anymore, but we used to be paintball buddies.

Speckledorf: How long have you been on the forums?

Gordonrox24: I have been on the forums for probably a year.

Speckledorf: Have you ever had any moderation actions against you?

Gordonrox24: Not that I can remember.

Speckledorf: What was your reaction to be invited to the forum modship?

Gordonrox24: I thought it was cool. Another neat challenge to tackle.

Speckledorf: What’s the best part about being one?

Gordonrox24: I would have to say all of the helpful people there.

Speckledorf: What’s your favourite thing about the forums?

Gordonrox24: The mass Chaos caused by the ban Hammer gear lol

Speckledorf: What’s is the worst thing about being a forum mod?

Gordonrox24: Probably all the people following you around, asking for the ban hammer and asking for you to make them a moderator.

Privatezack and tatoberry



On 9/25/2009 at 7:28 PM gordonrox24 wrote:

Gahh *dies*


On 9/25/2009 at 7:16 PM speckledorf wrote:

thank you for your cooperation

too bad we posioned your water

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