Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nasty Put Some Clothes On

I’m finding it very hard to be positive concerning Taylor Momsen lately. Her devil-may-care attitude, which some find refreshing, is incredibly annoying and frankly, a little unwarranted.

Taylor gave a pretty revealing interview to Times Online in the U.K. Did you know Taylor was one of the finalists for Hannah Montana? Luckily for us, and for Disney, Miley Cyrus won the role.

On Hannah Montana: “Honestly, if I’d have ended up as Hannah Montana, I don’t know if the show would have gone as well. I probably would have told them all to go f*** themselves by the time I hit 11. And I don’t know how that would have gone down. It’s great for Miley, but I really like where I am right now and I feel really fortunate to be able to really be myself.”

On not caring if she’s a role model: “To be honest, I don’t f***ing care. I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I’m sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their actions. I don’t care.”

The interviewer even refers to Taylor as the “ultimate teen icon”. Umm, ok? Taylor, no offense, you’re not on the same star level as your Disney counterparts Miley, Selena Gomez, heck even Demi Lovato. I understand you think you’re refreshing using “adult” language and acting like this whole celebrity thing is beneath you. And that all you really care about is your music and you think you can do whatever your little heart desires. I get it.

I just hope one day when you look back on these interviews and you take in to account your behavior (f.y.i. smoking at sixteen is illegal) you’ll realize just how foolish you really appear. Until then, best of luck remaining relevant when Gossip Girl ends.

To read the whole thing go HERE


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